At Recruit I.T., we believe our work is about more than just successful job placements. We're all about the journey, the process, and the personal growth that comes from embracing every step. A concept we’ve been discussing as a team is one that can be easily misunderstood at face value, but if you dive a little deeper, and do some work, it’s one that has the power to transform your approach to work, life, and everything in between... I’m talking about the power of detachment.
Imagine a chocolate cake in front of you. The cake represents the journey - the process you undertake to achieve your goals. The icing signifies the outcome you're striving for. Now, let's consider the scenario where you only eat the icing - you'll likely end up feeling overwhelmed or dissatisfied. But if you enjoy a slice of cake without obsessing over the icing, most of us will find genuine satisfaction in the experience itself.
Translating this analogy to real life, fixating solely on an outcome can lead to stress, anxiety, and an overall sense of unease. The key to moving away from this state, is self-awareness. By recognising when your attention has shifted solely to the icing, you empower yourself to make a choice: perpetuate the fixation or make a positive change.
Self-awareness isn't a skill you master overnight—it's a journey of growth and transformation. Just like any other skill in life, it requires practice, dedication, and a willingness to see beyond the surface. When you develop the ability to notice when you've strayed from your intended path, you open the door to a different way of thinking and reacting.
To cultivate self-awareness, in my team, we've adopted practices like our weekly 'Reflective Standup’. This platform allows each team member to share their greatest challenge, biggest success or reason for celebration, and the thing that is in most urgent need of attention. It's a powerful exercise that keeps us grounded, focused, and continually evolving.
Detachment isn't just a concept confined to our workplace, or work in general – it’s a mindset that can extend to every facet of life.
Bringing it back to our industry and what we do – for job seekers in particular, it's all too easy to equate success with securing a job offer. However, when you detach yourself from that specific outcome, you discover the immense value in the journey itself.
Job hunting is a multifaceted endeavor, rich with opportunities for personal development. It's a craft that requires practice, time, and resilience, and I often say that finding a job, is actually a job in itself!
Our consultants understand this journey intimately, and we're here to help candidates navigate it with the minimum of stress and anxiety. From interview preparation through to providing feedback, we strive to equip candidates with the tools they need to appreciate and learn from the process, no matter the outcome.
By growing our own self-awareness, and including detachment as a part of our philosophy, we are able to focus on the journey and find more enjoyment in every step – someone we aim to share with our candidates and clients as well. Let’s embrace the whole cake and relish the journey!
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